Monday, 23 March 2015

Heroes Investigation

The Presentation above this description is my investigation task that I have finished. During this investigation I have followed the purpose of it to get to the standard I want to. The purpose of my investigation is on the 3rd slide.


Ms Aireen said...

AMAZING, informative investigation Cypress. You have researched relevant information and asked great questions to help you achieve the purpose of your investigation. I liked the way you summarised your information into your own words and I also thought you categorised your information effectively. You presented great facts and information about your hero which inspired the audience to think about the importance of persevering to achieve their learning and personal goals through practice and having a good attitude.

You now need to work on developing your presenting skills so that your audience can hear you clearly when you are presenting.

Ka pai Cypress!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the feed back and feed forward miss, hopefully I will use this the next time we do presenting.

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