Wednesday, 15 April 2015


Image result for lying face
Oh sarcasm. The topic that everyone should be aware of. I know what you might be thinking, Cypress why are you writing a blog post about sarcasm? Or, Cypress what does this word "SARCASM" mean? Well sarcasm is a sentence that doesn't mean what actually is said or in other words the opposite of what is said, the tone of your voice tells you it is. For example (While you read this example change your voice into a tone that sounds lying-ish) "Your mum looks cool." What you are actually saying is "Your mum looks not cool." I know, that example was not really intelligent but I tried to not make a offensive sentence. Other than that now you know that sarcasm can be a bad thing. Sarcasm is a good thing and a bad thing. It is bad because you can probably go overboard with it, and it is good because it can make people laugh and you can use it in good ways. Just remember that you shouldn't mock people because I bet you wouldn't if they did it to you. I'm trying to keep this post short so I am just going to say bye and not see you later (nailed it.)


Anonymous said...

Hi Cypress,

Thanks for doing this post about sarcasm. I love using it. It's such a great way to get humor to anyone who would be more interested in jokes and not knock-knock jokes...

Because sarcasm is so great!

^ DId I do it right, Cypress?


Ms Aireen said...

I got it Willy! :)

Cypress I agree with you about this topic on sarcasm as people can go overboard with it and it can be humorous at times. You might not know it but we tend to use sarcasm everyday in conversations with other people.

How about you create a DLO that shows different types of sarcasm to test the knowledge of your audience so that they can judge wether the sarcasm you have identified are positive or negative.

Anonymous said...

"You might not know it but we tend to use sarcasm everyday in conversations with other people."

If the "we" means "teachers", then that sentence just made my day...

No sarcasm intended.

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