Friday, 10 April 2015

Video Games

During the holidays I have been playing video games a lot. Mostly survival and sports games. You might be thinking why would I be publishing a post about video games. Well one reason, Education. Yeah I said it education. How does the video games that you play educate you. Through the pas week I have been learning new skills and techniques from the video games that I play. For example if you were playing a sports game it teach's you new strategies and skills on how to offend, defend and score. Or if you were playing a war game it shows you lots of ways to kill your enemy without getting hurt and to also how to aim a gun. All video games have lessons but in the lessons you got to do one thing to know what you have to do, that one thing is just one word.

Image result for video gamesTake a guess...

That's right the word is read. In every video game you got to read to know what to actually do and reading is not just in video games, it is everywhere. On the streets are signs you have to read while your in a car, while watching TV the guide has words that you have to read to know what your watching and don't forget in school and so on. You also have been reading this text that is telling you about reading and video games. From reading this post you were reading but now it comes to an end. I hope you have enjoyed this text that went from video games to education, learning and skills, but for now good bye (Imagine Me waving good bye.)

1 comment:

Ms Aireen said...

The last part of this blog post was very amusing to read Cypress. Made me smile and at the same time it made me think of your humours personality.

I'm glad learning is continually happening for you during the school holidays by playing video games. I agree with you about how video games teaches you problem solving strategies and skills.

You have also highlighted the importance of reading in your blog post which I agree with. It is truly important to learn to read as its a skill that is needed everyday.

Enjoy the rest of your school holidays Cypress :)

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