Friday, 13 September 2013

Melu The Mule

There Once was a Mule named Melu. The other mules clipped-clopped but Melu would always clop-clipped. Melu was sad because when he clopped clipped the other mules would make fun of him and tell him to shut up.

One day while the mules were walking up the yellow hot hills Melu looked down to the Glittering Green Sea. Their also green fields at the bottom of it. Melu decided to turn around and travel to the Glittering Green Sea by himself. The other mules told him to turn back around but it was too late Melu already went.

On the way Melu found what looked like a landslide but he couldn’t get around until he met a goat who helped Melu get around it. The goat said to Melu “I’ll help you get across it only if you take me with you?” Melu agreed with the goat and took him along with him to the Glittering Green Sea. As they got further they got blocked by a big log as big as a truck. Melu was too little to move and the goat was too. Suddenly they heard a huge bump and another one then out of nowhere a bull arrived. The bull told Melu I’ll help you move the log only if you let me come with you?” Melu agreed with the bull so the bull bumped the log out of the way and off they went.

Soon they made it to the Glittering Green Sea they all dived into the sea a swam around they all had a glorious time. Then they saw a swan it was beautiful the swan was the most amazingest thing Melu, the goat and the bull have ever seen. At the end of the day Melu saw all the other mules on the hill and they looked board and after all that Melu was right.

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